Winners Announced

The Competition Jurors have met & the updated winners for cash prizes were announced Juneteenth (June 19th) 2023.

design idea

A multi-disciplinary multi⁠-⁠design proposal Mobile/Prichard Alabama

Watch the Awards Ceremony Video BELOW


Africatown shot to the forefront of the world’s consciousness with the sensational May 2019 discovery of the sunken slave ship Clotilda in the Mobile River Delta. It illegally brought 110 kidnapped West Africans to America’s shores in 1860. After a short enslavement, and unable to return home, 32 of the Africans formed and governed their own community in 1865. Their descendants and the community they founded exist today, but Africatown suffers from generations of benign neglect and industrial encroachment.

The Africatown International Design Idea Competition leverages the spectacular Clotilda find to give multi-disciplinary design teams a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to imagine a revived Africatown, with 16 land and water-edged venues on 4 sites across 3 cities that interpret and honor its history.

Taken together, the 16 venues are destined to constitute a major new cultural heritage tourism destination system called The Africatown Cultural Mile™. We believe it can attract millions of visitors and generate billions of dollars in revenue for the economy of Africatown, the Cities of Prichard and Chickasaw, and the greater Mobile region.

Africans kidnapped
slave ship arrives
AfricaTown built
Slave ship found

African forms for African communities.


Venues per site
Total venues

STORY: connect the dots

The Africatown Cultural Mile™ will be a network of well-designed cultural amenities—welcome center and museums, Clotilda boathouse, performing arts venues, signature spa hotel, water taxis, boutique retail, restaurants and more—across 3 cities in the Mobile area. All are connected by Africatown’s unique history. Collectively, they can be among the biggest cultural heritage tourism assets in the State of Alabama.

Besides tourism amenities, the Idea Competition also seeks well-designed concepts for community amenities like new housing, school updates, and green spaces that attract new Africatown residents, who can reinvigorate under-served neighborhoods in and near The Africatown Cultural Mile™. All things work seamlessly together to create equitable collective social impact for Africatown and its environs.

COMPETITION: design principles

This multi-site Idea Competition seeks architectural concepts using African design principles, creative placemaking and world-class destination planning. Winning designs should: honor the Africatown story; anchor current and future redevelopment plans; preserve Africatown’s unique cultural identity; and spark community economic revitalization.

Designs should incorporate the latest digital technologies, imbued with “Wakanda Forever” Afrofuturistic sensibilities. Additionally, LEED® architectural standards and ways to produce sustainable green energy solutions are encouraged.

The Africatown International Design Idea Competition’s 16-member jury panel (8 design professionals, 8 local leaders and professionals) is headed by Jack Travis, FAIA NOMAC. The architect, author and educator deeply explores Afri-cultural mores, specializing in architecture and interiors fused with African iconography. He founded The Studio for Afrofuturism in Architecture and Design. He runs workshops on Afrocentric design themes and on black communities, with a focus on social directives.


Multi-disciplinary teams of 1-4 architects, urban planners and historians are suggested. Public may enter as well.

Team Eligibility

Open To All : architects, students, designers, landscape architects, artists, graphic artists or other;
individuals or teams up to 4 members per team (multicultural/multidisciplinary teams, if possible)


Each team may select from 1-4 sites to design. Each site must include the design of all 4 building venues.

Read the Overview’s  “What If” section for each of the 4 Sites to help make your selection.
Cash Prizes

The total value of cash prizes to 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th place competition winners will be up to $100,000.

Cash Prizes

Prize money provided by Better Place Foundation of Birmingham, Alabama.

Registration Closed

Competition registration is closed. Winners to be announced Spring 2023

Competition Closed

Competition winners to be announced Juneteenth (June 19th) 2023 at Awards Ceremony in Mobile, Alabama.

Read More

Africatown was built by the hands of Africans who come to the Americas with thousands of years of science embedded in their DNA, not only the science of tilling the soil for nutrients for our bodies, but scientific knowledge of shaping the soil into architectural monuments.

Nmadili Okwumabua, NOMA, JUROR, Founder, Community Planning & Design Initiative Africa (CPDI Africa)

News & Updates

Unique Design Challenge the First to Apply World-Class Afrofuturism for Architecture, Culture, Heritage and Tourism in the Only 19th Century Settlement Built …

Unique Design Challenge the First to Apply World-Class Afrofuturistic Concepts for Culture, Heritage and Tourism in A Black Community Established by Africans …

(MOBILE, ALABAMA, January 19, 2023) —  WE’VE EXPERIENCED SOME TECHNICAL GLITCHES IN UPLOADING GLOBAL SUBMISSIONS. Therefore, to ensure that the submission process …

Sign up for updates

  1. Stay informed with critical updates about The Africatown International Design Idea Competition. Designers who want to enter the Competition should fill in the form below to receive more detailed information (maps, photos, specs, historical background, etc.) to prepare for the upcoming launch. Email specific questions to:

Organizers & sponsors

“Africatown enshrines & preserves the indomitable spirit of our ancestors. That it continues to exist, validates the genius of its builders, the embodiment of their West African spirituality, intelligence & skills. Thus, Africatown is an American ode to Africa, a symbol of resiliency in the face of slavery’s treachery. Africatown is an example of community-building in the 19th century and the Africatiown International Design Idea Competition is a blueprint for its revitalization in the 21st century.”

Dr. Natalie S. Robertson, JUROR, Author
The Slave Ship Clotilda and the Making of Africatown USA: Spirit of Our Ancestors

© 2018-2025. The Africatown International Design Idea Competition.
Proprietary information of M.O.V.E. Gulf Coast CDC and studio|rotan

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